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Wondrous Collisions

The moment you smile

I swear

Worlds collide and birth a new one

Gods sigh and devils fall

Flowers bloom and diseases dissolve

One's dying live a little longer and crying newborns go to sleep

Truth wins, justice prevails and killers rot in jail

The rich feel pain and the poor get lucky

Machiavellians trust and people pleasers make people mad

Friends fight and enemies shake hands

Blank papers write themselves and those words become art

The moment you smile

I swear

Worlds collide and birth a new one.

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24th November, 2023

"May these memories break our fall" And I only remember when we held each other's hands through the eye of the storm. We claw for pieces...

Rapunzel, Let Down Your Hair

There is still to be salvaged The locked doors didn't see the loss of everything Just some. Go, open the door and pick up the things you...


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